February 17, 2025

I mentioned in my 3G, Got:Give:Get, the other day at Eliances that while having a presences on all the biggie Social Platforms, LinkedIN, Facebook Pages, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, SnapChat and Pinterest you should only focus on a couple. Get those two working really well, then expand. Not all of them are a perfect fit for your business but having a small presence is ok.

What makes any of them work is a well designed, maintained and run schedule. A plan for the week, the month and yes even year. Some of this may further break down to a ‘seasonal’ time (Summer), a particular event (SxSW), events (baseball) or maybe just a particular item (new movie release).

Each of these involves social content that your viewers, customers, clients and others want to see, and in many cases if done right are looking forward to. That’s in a large part what I do. I’ll sit down and drill down to what it is that you want to let the world know, that world is by your definition.