February 17, 2025

press-1015988_1920The rapid deployment of apps today makes it a must to know what to have on your desktop as well as your mobile devices. In fact that may be one way to judge an app is their availability on both platforms. Lifehacker has always been great at finding these tools and then listing them This list of 50 is pretty amazing, and I was amazed that I had over 40 of them, and use a good bit of the 40 everyday. I also have a number of them in the iPhone as well as Desktop.

If you are for any reason short on storage, download them using the desktop machine and then it will be available if you need it. Don’t forget that once you have some of these IFTTT becomes even more powerful. Yes IFTTT is on the must list.

Here’s your link to Lifehacker’s 50 Must Haves.