February 17, 2025

appleI recall not that long ago that we found out Apple had $1 Billion in cash. Imagine you can go buy any Major League Baseball team, NFL team, NBA team or NHL. For that matter you can buy one of each with enough to get all the best players, max out your salary caps and more. Oh wait you would need more than $1 Billion. Well that’s ok as Apple now has $147 Billion in cash. That is 10% of the cash that’s in all the corporate coffers. And it keeps getting bigger. Steve Jobs a while back got into his mind that Apple needs to be able to purchase things, companies, IP and mostly enough to run things over if need be. CASH does that, lots of it . Here is the article with more details. Well done Steve Jobs, WELL DONE!!

PS So what team will you buy for me so I can win a ring!