February 17, 2025

I recall hearing the term Dolby Stereo back in the day when the stereo sound usually meant two speakers, sometime four and the you could bounce the music in between and it had a clear sound. There was a definite difference. The Bass lower and the Treble higher and you could manipulate them both. Somewhere in all that Dolby made the difference. I never associated it with the persons name, just sounded way cool. Sadly we have lost the person behind that name. Story below.

Ray Dolby, the inventor and engineer who founded Dolby Laboratories and pioneered noise-reducing and surround-sound technology widely used in the film and recording industries, has died in San Francisco at 80, the company announced Thursday.

via Pocket http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-sound-pioneer-ray-dolby-has-died-20130912,0,254453.story