February 17, 2025

There are countless of resources for today’s entrepreneur or small business. From sites with tools to get listed in various directories, to creating graphics for headers and footers, to making things fly across the page or getting much needed fresh photos and other content. And as new things popup finding all of these can be a task in itself.

Most of my finds come from reading blogs and seeing what others have to say or have found. This article list over 30 blogs!! Now I don’t get to them all every day, and some are better than others based on your site’s topic or purpose. They are easy enough to bookmark, and with some creative use of sites like IFTTT you can get notified when you need to take notice.

Please take a look, you are also encouraged to comment on what is or is not useful. If you do find a useful tool please let us know, as passing on good results serves everyone’s purpose.

The link for the 30 is here… as well as here. (http://www.biztechmagazine.com/article/2016/10/30-must-read-small-business-it-blogs)