February 17, 2025

Google Analytics..when I first heard that I thought wow, there must be so much and how am I ever going to get control of this tool. Well there are some steps, and some of these are out lined nicely here. It is quite interesting all that can be learned about or tracked from that one click on that link sitting out there on some webpage of some blog, or search result, or billboard. The question of where they came from, what they bought, if they bought and more are part of what you want to know as the owner of that site. You need know what campaigns you have launched are brining in customers who buy, or just ones who wander the site and leave. And if they do leave, it might be nice to know where they went to next. All of this is part of that initial setup. Quick article here: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2152511/Beginners-Guide-to-Google-Analytics-What-to-Track